Qunol Answers: Your Top Heart Health Questions with Cardiologist, Dr. Tiffany DiPietro

Qunol Answers: Your Top Heart Health Questions with Cardiologist, Dr. Tiffany DiPietro

Why is CoQ10 important for heart health? What's the difference between Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol?

Welcome to our Qunol Answers series. In honor of Heart Health Month, we're sharing the answers to these and more questions about heart health. 

Morning Mix: Liquid Turmeric and Orange Juice Reading Qunol Answers: Your Top Heart Health Questions with Cardiologist, Dr. Tiffany DiPietro 3 minutes Next Tart Cherry Mocktail Drink Recipe with Jenné Claiborne

Here at Qunol, we put our hearts into everything we do. That includes a new content series - Qunol Answers

Each month, we'll help support you on your wellness journey by answering common questions around healthy aging and supplements. 

In honor of Heart Health Month, we teamed up with Cardiologist Dr. Tiffany DiPietro to launch the series. She's answering some of your most common questions about heart health, and our supplements for heart health support. That includes CoQ10, Ubiquinol and more! * 

Each Qunol Answers segment will have it's own post on our Instagram page and be tagged with #QunolAnswers so its easy to spot.

Watch the full video series of Qunol Answers for Heart Health Month @Qunol on Instagram.

Or, you can read the transcripts from our interview with  Dr. Tiffany DiPietro, below!

Mega CoQ10 Ubiquinol, Ultra CoQ10, CoQ10 Gummies and Liquid CoQ10

Why is CoQ10 important for heart health? 

Have another question about Heart Health support or our supplements?

Reach out to us in the Contact Us form or on Social (Instagram, Facebook and TikTok). We're here toe help!


^^ Compared to regular CoQ10 (defined as unsolubilized ubiquinone in oil suspensions in softgels and/or powderfilled capsules/tablets)